Monday, February 22, 2010

WCF Feature Details

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) allows extensive control over the messaging functions of an application. The topics in this section go into detail about the available features. For more information about basic programming, see Basic WCF Programming.
In This Section

1. Windows Communication Foundation Endpoints: Addresses, Bindings, and Contracts
Describes how to control multiple aspects of your service.

2. Data Transfer and Serialization in Windows Communication Foundation
Describes how serialization of data can be tailored for interoperation or future compatibility.

3. Sessions, Instancing, and Concurrency in Windows Communication Foundation
Describes the instancing and session modes of WCF and how to select the right mode for your application.

4. Transports in Windows Communication Foundation
Describes how to configure the transport layer, the lowest level of the channel stack.

5. Queues and Reliable Sessions in Windows Communication Foundation
Describes queues, which store messages from a sending application on behalf of a receiving application and later forward these messages to the receiving application.

6. Transactions in Windows Communication Foundation
Explains how to created transacted operations that can be rolled back if needed.

7. Windows Communication Foundation Security
Describes how WCF security helps you to create applications that have confidentiality and integrity. Authentication and authorization are also available, as are auditing features.

8. Peer-to-Peer Networking
Details how to create peer services and clients.

9. Metadata in Windows Communication Foundation
Describes metadata architecture and formats.

10. Windows Communication Foundation Clients
Describes how to create a variety of clients that access services.

11. Hosting of Windows Communication Foundation Services
Describes hosting. A service can be hosted by another application, or it can be self-hosted.

12. Interoperability and Integration with Windows Communication Foundation
Describes how to use WCF to extend your existing logic rather than having to rewrite it if you have a substantial investment in component-based application logic hosted in COM+.

13. WCF REST Programming Model
Describes the WCF Web Programming Model that allows developers to expose WCF service operations to non-SOAP endpoints.

14. WCF Syndication
Describes support to easily expose syndication feeds from a WCF service.

15. Windows Communication Support for AJAX Integration and JSON
Describes support for ASP.NET Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) and the Javascript Object Notation (JSON) data format to allow WCF services to expose operations to AJAX clients.





see below link:

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